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News powered by The Franklin Chronicles

What is Franklin Chronicles?
A successor to our print magazine, The Franklin Chronicles, this blog allows us to continue to communicate the importance of the arts and sciences to an expanded audience through a variety of means – articles and announcements, video, news and opinion – to pick up the conversation of why the arts, humanities and sciences matter so much at this juncture in the history of our university, our nation and the world. Read more

Franklin Professor and Distinguished Research Professor of Chemistry Gregory H. Robinson is among the awardees of the 2012 Humboldt Research Award.

The award, which is presented to up to 100 scientists worldwide annually, is granted in recognition of a researcher's entire achievements to… Read Article

The Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases is a UGA-wide, multi-disciplinary center establshed in 1998 to bring together research, education and service resources in parasitology, immunology, cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics. The Franklin College has been one… Read Article

The accolades for Franklin College's Bethany Moreton continue to roll in:

Bethany Moreton, a University of Georgia associate professor of history and women's studies, was one of 25 professors nationwide selected this year to join the speaker's bureau of the Organization of American… Read Article

The dean of an arts and sciences college of the size and dimensions of the Franklin College really has his or her hands full. Outside of the extraordinary administrative duties of the position and alongside the constant fundraising responsibilities and appearances, the dean is our ambassador and… Read Article

During interviews and conversations with faculty members over the years, I've heard scientists, historians and artists all mention this same subject: the importance of wonder and curiosity to their disciplines. While some lament the decreasing capacity of wonder in many students today, I can't… Read Article

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