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Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award

Franklin College Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award

The Franklin College Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching is established by Ted and Caroline Ridlehuber, two devoted alumni of the University, to recognize each year a faculty member in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences who has through sustained commitment to high-quality instruction in undergraduate teaching made a life-changing impact on students. The award amount of $2,500 is intended to support career development and provide opportunities to enhance the recipient’s teaching and research. Faculty of all ranks, but particularly those engaged in undergraduate teaching, are eligible for this award with the exception of those who have received it in the previous five years.

Consistent with the desire of the donors that students play a significant role in the selection, the recipient shall be chosen as follows:  first, students will be invited to nominate candidates for the award; a student committee will review materials submitted by the nominees and will identify a group of finalists; then the Faculty Senate Awards Committee will review the finalists and recommend to the Dean the recipient of the Franklin College Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.

List of Previous Winners

To nominate your favorite professor, write a letter (one page maximum) explaining why your favorite professor deserves the award and send it to John Boroski at on or before October 2, 2024. 
Basic rules:
The person you nominate must be a regular full-time faculty member in Franklin College. Your nomination should be related to an undergraduate course they taught. Please note, you cannot nominate a teacher whose class you’re currently taking.


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