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News powered by The Franklin Chronicles

What is Franklin Chronicles?
A successor to our print magazine, The Franklin Chronicles, this blog allows us to continue to communicate the importance of the arts and sciences to an expanded audience through a variety of means – articles and announcements, video, news and opinion – to pick up the conversation of why the arts, humanities and sciences matter so much at this juncture in the history of our university, our nation and the world. Read more

Student work from the school of art is on sale today from until 5 p.m., get your original pottery and jewelry from the hands that made it:

The Ceramics Student Organization, the student group for ceramics majors, and the Phi Beata Heata, the student organization for jewelry and metalwork… Read Article

The Bachelor of Fine Arts Exit Show in Photography happens this Friday, Nov. 30 at the Lamar Dodd School of Art.

The Skinny Jean Bandits: BFA Photography Exit ShowMark your calendar and join the Skinny Jean Bandits as they present the Fall BFA Photography Exit Show! The opening reception… Read Article

With our own Georgia Bulldogs getting ready for the SEC Championship game this week against Alabama, it's worthwhile to mention one of the issues related to the excitement and the game. In an essay describing a plan to let college athletes major in sports, FSU psychology professor emeritus David… Read Article

According to the NAMES Foundation, in a war against a disease that has no cure, the AIDS Memorial Quilt has evolved as a potent tool in the effort to educate against the lethal threat of AIDS. By revealing the humanity behind the statistics, the quilt helps teach compassion, triumphs over… Read Article

The fall 2012 issue of the ugaresearch magazine is out, and available online. It features some great stories on Franklin College faculty, including geography professor Steven Holloway and whole section devoted to the Civil War, with a focus on books by history facuty members Stephen Berry, John… Read Article

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