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Internship and career resources for over the summer

Christine Lasek-White

The Internship and Career Coordinator for the Humanities is on hiatus until August but there's plenty of help to be had for students looking for jobs or internships.


When companies want to hire UGA students or grads (including UGA itself!), they post their jobs to Handshake.  If you haven't yet, create an account and start perusing. You can search by keyword, by location, and by job type (part-time, full-time, internship, etc.). And almost all of the jobs I find for my Virtual Job Board are from Handshake.


Professor Lasek-White might be on a faculty schedule but the folks at the Career Center are here for you all summer long! If you haven't yet, check out the UGA Career Guide, which is full of advice and resources and is updated every single year. And if you need/want more one-on-one help, information on making an appointment with a Career Consultant is here.

As I mentioned above, I will be "back in the office" officially on August 1st.  But if you have questions before then, you are ALWAYS welcome to email me: I will occasionally be off email over the summer, but I will respond when I get back to town.

I hope you have a wonderful summer!

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